I love ULINE by jgn on Monday, October 22, 2007 in Uncategorized

I just received my ULINE catalog. ULINE is the world's greatest supplier of corrogated boxes. OK, there may be others, but I think ULINE is the best. I used to order fancy boxes to hold vinyl records, and I think that company was acquired by ULINE, and now I get the ULINE catalog. Click below to get your own, and then after the image I'll say a few things about the catalog.


Now, what's the big deal? Well, suppose you need a carton for a rifle. ULINE's got it.


Oh, you need to ship a bottle of champagne? No problem!


"Glamour" mailers for that extra pizzazz? Sure.


A terrorist who's tired of the boring old box cutters? Try something new.


Opening a Chinese restaurant?


Or maybe you just need to warn people that it needs to stay frozen . . .


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