Sometimes it can be convenient to drop and create databases, and run migrations, outside of Rails -- or rake. Here's one way to do it in code (Ruby 1.9.2):
[code lang='ruby'] require 'active_record' require 'pg'
PG_SPEC = { :adapter => 'postgresql', :host => 'localhost', :database => '7fff', :username => 'postgres', :encoding => 'utf8' }
# drops and create need to be performed with a connection to the 'postgres' (system) database ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(PG_SPEC.merge('database' => 'postgres', 'schema_search_path' => 'public')) # drop the old database (if it exists) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_database PG_SPEC[:database] rescue nil # create new ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_database(PG_SPEC[:database]) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(PG_SPEC)
class CreateBlog
Note that the code here is PostgreSQL-specific. To see how to do it properly for MySQL or Sqlite3, take a look at your ActiveRecord gem, at lib/active_record/railties/databases.rake
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